Learn To Play” Musical Instrument Sets
As we grew up, we all had some childhood dreams that fell to the side of the road. We are too busy or too involved in other things, too poor or simply forgotten. No matter why we never learn to play the instruments we want, it is important that we be adults now, will we learn to play the instruments we dream of?
As we purchase our dream instruments, we continue to search for books on instruments and suits that “learn to play”. It seems that they may be designed for children, but these instruments seem to be of sufficient quality to allow them to find their way. So, can anyone really learn to play an instrument from the “Learn to Play” series?
To be honest, those who have learned to play at least one instrument are more likely to learn to play another instrument in the “Learning to Play” series, provided that we have at least learned the basics of music reading. Being able to read at least the basic scale of the score will greatly help you learn to learn the instrument of the book.
Some people are very good at learning to use books to play musical instruments, but people who do it well have one thing in common, that is, self-learning. Those of us who were born in the mid and late 1970s and then grew up in an educational system. Everything was handmade by us, so most of us did not learn well. We need someone to take us by the hand and teach us to play the instrument through notes, not to mention that we try to learn other things. Learning to play an instrument in a book requires a certain amount of self-learning ability.
If you don’t have the ability to “solve problems along the way,” learning books to play instruments will be very frustrating, although it will certainly be done. If our desires are strong enough and our patience can be quite deep, then yes, we can learn to use books to play instruments.
Few things are as satisfying as the challenge of completing a study to play an instrument in a book. When we learn to play any instrument without the guidance of others, such as our children, our confidence will increase. For adults, learning to play a musical instrument is probably the realization of childhood dreams, and there is only pure magic.