Jordan McCoy Prepared to Rock

Input (soon-to-be 15-year-old) Jordan McCoy — a vocally gifted, charismatic, ultra adorable All-American woman with a distinctive style. I feel this woman has each ingredient like it has not been done in a while — to stone objects upside down and inside out retro fashion.

My attention was grabbed by Jordan 3 decades before, on the American Idol series American Juniors, in June. During the first minute of visiting her at a private interview (on among that first couple of episodes), I understood Jordan had something particular. As soon as I watched her play her competition tune titled’Stupid Cupid’, I understood that this was. A wonderful singer and performer that is experienced. With consistency during the summer, that particular’X’ variable was apparent as each week went by, and will be that same aspect to help shield her fate as’The REAL McCoy’.

Not to my surprise only one piece, Jordan was signed by Diddy (Bad Boy Records) from the first spring of 2005 along with also her debut CD should be out this September or October (2006). And judging by some ancient first-listen website only releases (through, Jordan will be a household name…

‘Just Watch Me’ is an inspirational song (lyrics and structure ) displaying Jordan’s exceptional and amazing sounding vocals and representing a true manner of imagination. Not a great way to begin a livelihood!

‘Next X Boyfriend’, among the latest, listens that is on-site of Jordan, is a masterpiece mix of pop and rock – out is her snippet of Good Men’. The vocals of Jordan are prepared to pump up you. I can not get enough.

After listening to all these samples, then I come off feeling as if pop up and present-day’anything-goes stone’ are placed in a blender and then let. The outcome is refreshing.

I believe two things. 1) Diddy (Sean Combs) chose a winner. 2) Jordan was chosen by a winner. Diddy is. He is a role model for America that is young and knows how to make things happen — and in fashion. I believe Diddy will perform Jordan justice and justice is going to be attracted back from the culture to ROCK. — Enriched, but still lacking a little…

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