Halstatt Scoffing at the Sound of Music

Place in Austria, the Sound of Music is an epic picture spurring dreams of celestial land. They need to have filmed the film from Halstatt, Austria.


I have been growing restless and was for four times in Salzburg. The town has been an eyeful with garden places, tons and buildings of websites to see. At the end of the day, it was a town. And a costly town at that!

Flipping through my guidebook, and I’d made friends with suggested I have to the town of Hallstatt. As I looked under”H” from the catalog, he said that I would not find it at the book and that I must only trust him. Away to the railway station, we moved to.

Sitting on the train, I met a traveler. Since the train puttered into a number of their mountains we chatted I had ever seen. We ran between the surface of a deep river and a hill. The train stopped and he suggested this was our stop. There was a shack, but no buildings that are additional less a little city. I started to suspect my friend had pulled one over on me.

From nowhere, a ferry pulled up into our shack. We and jumped we went around the lake. A little town started to take shape as we closed in on the coast. Swiss chalets, swans, cobblestone streets, outdoor cafes and…no automobiles. None.

Halstatt turned out to operate around a mile along this lake’s coast. It was just like something from paradise. It’s wonderful how things are if there are not any automobiles, mopeds, trucks and other vehicles. It was surreal.

I leased a room in a chalet on this lake’s coast. My window looked out across the lake. It had been hard to envision a place on the planet as the day wound up. The morning was amazing.

Halstatt is situated. I stared out my window to what seemed like a television series. It was. Walking into the window, I was amazed to realize that we had been so large that the clouds had settled approximately 20 feet over the lake. Words fail me, but it had been one. There was silence, a swirling cloud cover drifting about and has been mirrored by the lake. Truly a sight to behold.

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