Get A Free Website To Music And Promote Your Band

I have discovered a great FREE Website. Some songs that you download as you play or work.

And if you’re a composer, of everything Genre you can find a FREE Website to promote music and your band.

Sell your songs on tune Flow FREE (without a restrictive contract)!

Every month compete at the free Tune Flow Tournament and expose your music to hundreds of lovers, get free reviews, and get recognition!

Get free airplay! Forged Flow challenges artists across the world to compose and document original tunes according to one of four names we’ve selected, Each month.

You review and rate the songs. The tunes with the greatest ratings at the end of the month triumph. It is the “battle of the bands” Internet design!

TF supplies an exciting spot for music fans to find artists that are new and new music. Nevertheless, it’s considerably more than that. You did not believe the record labels had a lock on most of the gift on the planet, did you? The truth is that there are hundreds and hundreds of singers, bands and songwriters throughout the world who are currently creating music.

And this audio is often better than what the boys ‘ are currently pushing. The artists you’ll discover in TF only because they do not have contracts requiring them to seem”mainstream,” often produce music that’s new, innovative, and often in a much wider selection of genres. At Tune Flow, you receive options and more fashions. We allow the audio FLOW as our name implies…ALL the songs!

TF is about placing the ARTIST. In TF, artists are permitted to get out their music to the entire world. When you purchase music in TF, it is the artists that receive the lion’s share (37 percent to 75 percent of total music revenues, as well as 88 percent of earnings ), not a few large record labels. TF helps artists by providing infrastructure exposure, advertising service, and much more

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